Sunday, September 30, 2007

September's Wrestler of the Month

This month's winner is no stranger to this award. He won it twice last year, and now, he's set to take his unprecedented third WotM. He's been a force in PRIME and he's also been doing well for himself in the Dupree Cup, but he's winning this award mainly for taking home the first ever "e-fed indie" tournament held in the post-interfed era of PTC, the Chris Williams Memorial Cup. He is The Illustrious Face-Eater! Everyone give Facey a round of applause.

This month's runner-up is "Triple X" Sean Stevens, whose tear in EPW has finally netted him the World Championship. He's also been relatively active in NFW. Give Trip a round of applause as well!

Honorable Mentions
Ice Tre (EPW), Dan Ryan (EPW, A1E, NFW, TEAM Events), Stylin' Kyle Roberts (REBEL, TEAM Events), Jason Snow (PRIME, PTC Events, TEAM Events), James Irish (A1E, EPW)

Previous Winners
January: Dan Ryan (A1E, NFW)
February: Clinton Sage (FUSE, PTC Events)
March: Nova (NFW, PRIME)
April: Dan Ryan (2) (A1E, NEW, TEAM Events)
May: Big Dog (A1E)
June: Lindsay Troy (PRIME, EPW, NFW, TEAM Events)
July: Nova (2) (PRIME, TEAM Events, NFW)
August: Lindsay Troy (2) (PRIME, EPW, TEAM Events)


Anonymous said...

This is the first time I have voted against you. Stevens took my vote, bro.

What I thought was funny that I have had Frankie in FW for almost a year and a half and he hasnt won squat. I have Adam Cash in for the last two months and he takes the MWCW Missouri State Title.

He bought it? He's still the champ, bitches!! =)


gigantic turkey sub said...

only saw this now. love you, Tom.