Monday, June 12, 2006

Ultimate A1E... THE ELITE EIGHT~!

We're down to the final eight... the bracket finals.

Allen Thomas Regional Final

Housefly (1) vs. Richard Farnswirth (2)

This match has already happened a few times.

Housefly's Greatest Contribution to E-fedding: Lending infinite credibility to the A1E World Championshi.

Farnswirth's Greatest Contribution to E-fedding: Along with Chip Friendly, anchoring the Highland Park Social Club

Professor Bobo Regional Final

James Irish (4) vs. Ken Cloverleaf (2)

This one's happened too, I think.

James' Greatest Contribution to E-fedding: Helping pave the way for comedic characters to be able to hold the A1E World Heavyweight Championship... he came close, and he will win one one of these days, I know it.

Cloverleaf's Greatest Contribution to E-fedding: Making it okay for the World Champion to be a chickenshit heel.

Captain Suleimon Regional Final

Big Dog (1) vs. Prisoner 187 (2)

This match was actually Dog's first really huge win in A1E.

Dog's Greatest Contribution to E-fedding: Teaming with Gladiator and making the tag division in A1E the place to be for awhile.

187's Greatest Contribution to E-fedding: The Slambo angle... for shock value and for paving the way for Slambo the Clown's current incarnation.

The Moron Bros. Regional Final

Beast (1) vs. Chip Friendly (3)

Beast's Greatest Contribution to E-fedding: There are a few, but I'm going to pick bridging the gap between the FW and A1E worlds with his run in EPW.

Chip's Greatest Contribution to E-fedding: Along with Richard Farnswirth, anchoring the HPSC.


Anonymous said...

I have to go with Fly here. I love the Farnsy charecter don't get me wrong. But to me this is Fly's to win.

Kenny vs James. Sorry Dan I am gonig with James Irish here. From the start of my e-fed career I have considered him one of the elite.

Big Dog is simply too good for 187. Seriously. The Dog when on is one of the best. Oh BTW; what does it say about Phil as a handler when two of the final 8 are charecters he writes.

Beast and Chip. Well here we go again. The heat these two bring to a match is off the charts. Beast wins by cheating.


Anonymous said...

Allen Thomas Regional Final

Housefly (1) vs. Richard Farnswirth (2)

Farnswirth is one on my efed favorite characters of all time and, if he were going up against anyone other than Housefly, he would probably get my vote here. Unfortunately he is going up against Fly and for the three time World Champion and foundation of the fed not to reach the final four would make this whole tournament a farce. Housefly gets the vote.

Professor Bobo Regional Final

James Irish (4) vs. Ken Cloverleaf (2)

If memory serves these two fought to draw after draw leading up to Golden Dreams 2004 where they then were the last two left in the ring for the World Title Four-Way Dance that too place there. Kenny got finally got the edge in that match and went on to hold the Big Fiery Belt for the next 8 months. As close as these two are in my mind, I think that is what has to tip it. Cloverleaf gets the vote.

Captain Suleimon Regional Final

Big Dog (1) vs. Prisoner 187 (2)

No Vote

The Moron Bros. Regional Final

Beast (1) vs. Chip Friendly (3)

No Vote

Anonymous said...

Allen Thomas Regional Final

Housefly (1) vs. Richard Farnswirth (2)

Head-to-head, I think these two have been really close, maybe even with teh Farnz coming out on top, but over the course of their "careers", the insect is ranked #1 for a reason. Have to go with Fly.

Professor Bobo Regional Final

James Irish (4) vs. Ken Cloverleaf (2)

This is a tough, tough call. I've been giving Ken the benefit of the doubt because of his World Title reign, but as JA pointed out, I believe James has had a more profound effect on A1E as a whole, given his style and how he's opened up the idea of comedic characters progressing into the main event. Ken has had that big World Title reign, and a couple good Tag Team runs, and James has had the Cyber Title and a nice run with the Triple Star Title.

I think I'm going to give this to James, because he's had a more profound effect on the fed psychologically and creatively.

Captain Suleimon Regional Final

Big Dog (1) vs. Prisoner 187 (2)

This is another real tough call to make.

Prisoner 187 brought us a form of sadistic no one had really ever seen, and is perhaps part of the greatest angle/swerve ever with the revelation that he was Slambo the Clown. He's held the World Title, albeit a couple of shorter reigns.

Big Dog had that gigantic World Title reign that added to the legacy of the title. It was his idea to have Big Dog and Gladiator team up, and that basically reshaped the entire Tag Team division. Notable angles include the Euclid/Jamie/Dog triangle, and of course the feud with Gladiator. And now he's had a good run against Anarchy.

Taking all this in, I think that if you looked at who has done more for the fed, it's Big Dog by a nose.

The Moron Bros. Regional Final

Beast (1) vs. Chip Friendly (3)

It would - and has been - a hell of a match, but I can't vote here.

BigDaddy said...

Housefly vs. Richard Farnswirth
Honestly, I knew this would probably be the end of the road for Farnsy here. I'm happy to have even made people think about their vote here. Call me again in a year.

James Irish vs. Ken Cloverleaf
Very tough call here. Kenny does have the World Title reign, but I do think James is on the cusp. Hard to go against James's own logic though. Kenny wins.

BigDog vs. Prisoner 187
Interesting that, as JA noted, this was probably Dog's first really huge singles win, and against the vintage 187. And then, the 187-lite version knocked me out of the tourney last year. Bitter? Nah. :p

Beast vs. Chip Friendly
Obviously this was one of the premier feuds in all of 2005 for A1E, and I have no doubt that they'd tear the place down here as well. As much as I'd love to vote for Chip, I'm going Beast here. Just too much history and too many storylines.

Anonymous said...

Fly vs. Farnsy: Fly just continues on here, for the reasons everyone else has mentioned.

James vs. Ken: No disrespect to James, but I really don't think he should've been here in the first place. Euclid should've been. But regardless, James nailed it. You can't really call yourself the best unless you've been to the top. Ken has. James hasn't yet. Going with Ken.

Big Dog vs. 187: 187's last stint does ruin his legacy a bit. In a perfect world, I would love to see Dan bring the Real Deal back, to maybe try and restore that legacy a bit. But anyway, Dog is still going strong, and so he wins here.

Beast vs. Chip: So disrespect to Chip, but he can't seem to reach that top level. He has won every belt in the company except the Big Fire Belt. But Beast managed to. That is why he wis this.

Anonymous said...

Housefly v. Richard Farnswirth

This is an extremely tough one for me. Even though Farnswirth has probably had the best year out of anybody in the A1E I have to go with Fly on this one. Three time world champion, and a player in pretty much all the angles that shaped and defined A1E. Still love the Farnswirth charaacter though.

James Irish v. Ken Cloverleaf

I had a blast promoing against James I believe it was two years ago now. I know I personally had some really fun matches and James along with his creativity is a pleasure to work with. That whole summer it seemed like James was the only person I was facing because we met in the #1 contender tournament, the Theater of the Bizarre match, Golden Dreams and just about any tag match that occured to build our feud. Those were some fun times. No vote.

Big Dog v. Prisoner 187

As excellent at 187's early days were and as OK as his later days were (I still don't mind the later 187 personally) I think the year-long title reign is enough for me to move Big Dog into the next round over the 187.

Beast v. Chip Friendly

These two had some extremely fun matches to read many times when they hooked up. Both did a tremendous job promoing against each other and the true nature of both of their characters with Beast as more arrogant and cocky, and Chip as the slippery, slimey heel made this feud gold every time they got together. This one is about as close as you're going to get, but I'm going to go with Chip in this one.


TH said...

Housefly/Farnswirth - This one isn't close, and that's more a testament to what Fly has done rather than to Farns' deficiencies (which aren't plentiful). People say that in a year's time, this would have a different result. I disagree. It might be closer in a year, but Fly's meant so much and done so much to this fed that it will take a lot to unseat him.

James Irish/Cloverleaf - First off, James deserved to beat Euclid. People have been saying that we skew our memories to the recent in this case, but really, outside of 187's run to the top, EVERY match has been skewed towards recently. The big stars who've advanced were the ones who've stuck around until now. But back on course, for all the good Euclid did for the fed, it's more than reasonable to hold the way he left against him. It damaged the World Title, it damaged Torment, it damaged A1E. His credentials without that are sterling, but so are James', even without the World Championship.

And once again, I'm voting him over someone who's had an impressive reign with the World Championship. Why? For one, I thought James should have come out of Golden Dreams with that title. No disrespect to Kenny, whom I think was a deserving Champion, but James was on fire. He should have gotten his due, and while most people would fall off after not getting their due when they feel they should, James has still been producing at a high level. Week in and week out, he's one of the three best promoers on the card. That's consistency you can't buy, and I'm taking that consistency over Kenny's peaks and valleys.

Big Dog/187
Beast/Friendly -

There are only two characters whom I think are reasonable to argue beating Fly. Dog and Beast. Both of them have meant so much to A1E over the years that even if Fly never ran in A1E, the fed would still have a solid foundation. 187 was a flash in the pan, a brilliant flash, but a flash nonetheless, more or less a foil to Fly. An important foil, but a foil. While Chip is one of the best characters in the fed, I feel that his contributions fall just short of Beast's.