Monday, May 01, 2006

April's Wrestler of the Month

Slow month for shows in the circle that I cover, but I do think we have a very deserving winner who qualified just by the skin of his teeth ;). April's Wrestler of the Month is none other than "Triple X" Sean Stevens, who, in his first match back from a long hiatus, won the EPW #1 Contendership Battle Royale and now is in line for a shot at the EPW World Championship.

Honorable Mentions:

The Spoiler (A1E)
Kin Hiroshi (CSWA, UCW)
Sylo (LoC)
Kyle Lamen (PTC Events)

Previous Wrestlers of the Month
March - Yori Yakamo, Jr. (NFW)
February - Seymour Almasy (ACW, PTC Events)
January - Adam Dick (AWC)


Josh Ray said...

Good call!

Love your wrestler of the months.

Anonymous said...

This is late, but thanks for the nod. It is greatly appreciated.