Tuesday, February 28, 2006

February's Wrestler of the Month

It's the last day of February, and with no other shows outstanding, I think it's safe to announce this month's Wrestler of the Month. So without further adieu, here he is.

Seymour Almasy

He almost won last month with his ACW Title win over Khristain Keller and Max Danger, but this month, his resume is a little more impressive across all feds. In addition to his stellar showing in NFW (55 points), he defended the ACW World Championship both against Machiavelli St. Romani and against 5 other blood and goldthirsty wrestlers in the Survival of the Fittest match at ACW Honor and Glory. And on top of that, he's in the GTT5 Final Four. Quite the month for the Final Fantasy.

Honorable Mentions:
Andy Sharp (ACW)
Doc Silver (NFW)
Jack Murphy (AWC)
Olvir Arsvinnar (LVW)

Wrestlers of the Month for 2006:
January: Adam Dick (AWC)
February: Seymour Almasy (ACW, NFW, PTC events)


Anonymous said...

Congrats to Sean. :)

--Must Die

Anonymous said...

I thank you for the honourable mention Tom. :)

Jack Murphy

Anonymous said...

Fedwhores should be disqualified =P