Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Ultimate A1E: More Second Round Action~!

Before I get to the next batch of second round matchups, here's a look at the first entrants into the Sweet Sixteen.

Housefly over Drifter
Slambo over Torment
Farnswirth over Spoiler
Shane over Ryan
Euclid over Roddy
James over Snake and Eddie
Kenny over Mikey
Gladiator over Mr. A!

And now, for the Suleimon and Moron Bros. regionals

Captain Suleimon Bracket

Big Dog (1) vs. IrishRed (9)

Big Dog's greatest opponent... this is tricky. Do you go with the friend gone foe in Gladiator or the slowly-burnt yet always hot rivalry with Euclid? I think we'll say the latter here, because there was a lot more depth to that feud.

Red's best foe is probably James Irish, seeing that they main-evented the MBE Invasion TNW.

Lindsay Troy (4) vs. Cross (5)

I'd have to say that this match has happened before, and that Cross and Lindz may very well be each other's greatest opponent in A1E. There's an argument to be made for Lindz against Farnswirth or Beast, but I think in A1E, this was both their defining feud.

Prisoner 187 (2) vs. Lucifer (7)

187's greatest opponent is Housefly. That feud carried the first Vengeance to great heights (and this was with a stacked undercard too), plus it was probably the place where the World Championship ceased being this belt that people just RPed for and a legitimate centerpiece for angles.

Lucifer's biggest feud was with Mr. Hyde in the SIN breakup angle.

Mr. Hyde (3) vs. Eight (11)

If there's any A1E superstar who is inextricably linked with Mr. Hyde, it's Beast. Hyde made a living out of wrestling Beast in his too-short A1E career, and he was quite good at it. The two had great chemistry, and it's a shame we didn't get to see more of it before Hyde's unfortunate retirement.

Eight's best opponent is Drifter, as they had a good back-and-forth with the Triple Star Championship.

Moron Bros. Bracket

Beast (1) vs. Hida Yakamo (9)

Well what do you know? Both these guys' greatest opponent is Housefly, but for different reasons. Beast's feudage with Fly has been the stuff of legends, while Hida's only real feud since joining A1E has been with Fly.

Andrew Gilkison (4) vs. Nemesys (5)

Crap, these two had a pretty hot couple of matches over the Cyber Title in the early, early days of A1E, but neither are each other's best opponent.

FOr Andy, that would be Steven Shane. You could argue Fly or maybe the HPSC as a whole, but I thought his feud with Shane was a little more even and eventful than both of those.

For Nemesys, the answer is Beast. Their feud was a defining early feud in A1E, and even in its most recent incarnation, it still held up well.

Jericoholic Anonymous (2) vs. Duchess (7)

For JA... hrm, it's tough. If you want the New York Yankees to my Boston Red Sox, then it's definitely Chip Friendly. If you want the great early feud partner, it's Snake. But I think the real answer here is Richard Farnswirth, who's really been a great opponent to have coming back from the long layoff.

Duches... AJ Cirrus. Their feud was pretty hot and it culminated in a big match.

Chip Friendly (3) vs. Necromancer (6)

Chip's greatest opponent is probably Beast. They had at least two feuds culminate in PPV matches if my memory serves me correctly.

Necromancer's greatest opponent is a tie between Snake and Mikey because of the feud over the Tag Titles.


BigDaddy said...

BigDog vs. Irishred
I know this is one of Shane's fantasy matches, and I think it could really be fun whenever we get around to doing it. No vote here though.

Lindsay Troy vs. Cross
This is a really tough call. I love Lindsay, but basing this strictly on A1E, I might have to give the duke to Cross in a nail-biter.

Prisoner 187 vs. Lucifer
This could have been a really interesting match-up back in the day. But, even Satan himself takes a back seat to the evil of 187. The Prisoner wins this one.

Mr. Hyde vs. Eight
No knock on Eight, but I'm a Hyde mark from way back. The former World Champ moves on.

Beast vs. Hida Yakamo
In another setting, this is a match for the ages. But in the here and now, based on A1E, Beast wins this one easily.

Andrew Gilkison vs. Nemesys
One match to decide it all and Nemmy clears his schedule, I think this could be a sleeper for MOTW anytime. But, given the overall records, I think I have to give Andy the edge. Just so damn consistent.

JA vs. Duchess
Really not that much of a contest here. JA is woven into A1E's fabric. The Anglo Luchador moves on.

Chip Friendly vs. Necromancer
Necro was solid in the early years, but the Chipster is indeed my bestest bud in the while wide world. The Smiley Face stays alive.

Anonymous said...

BigDog vs. Irishred

With all due respect to Red, Dog takes this one. A World title reign that is over a year long will do that for you, as well as being Tag Champions with two different partners.

Lindsay Troy vs. Cross

This is a tough one. Really fucking tough. I think I will go with Cross, as his World title reign allows him to squeak this one out.

Prisoner 187 vs. Lucifer

The Prisoner gets this one for historical impact alone.

Mr. Hyde vs. Eight

Hyde is on a different level than Eight. He would just find a way to beat the big man.

Beast vs. Hida Yakamo

Beast takes this one after Hida gives him one hell of a fight. Beast has just proven himself over and over again, with Tag and Cyber titles, as well as the Survivor and World title.

Andrew Gilkison vs. Nemesys

Would love another go around with this man.

JA vs. Duchess

No disrespect to Duchess, but even she would probably agree with this. JA has just elevated his game to a new level since he came back. He wins this one.

Chip Friendly vs. Necromancer

Chip wins. He has more staying power, and is just one a whole nother level than Necromancer.

Anonymous said...

Big Dog vs Irishred. Dog had better beat me here. I have zero title reigns in A1E and have only been there for a year. Dog is an icon. I will destroy him when we finally face though. He can't duck me forever....HI PHIL!!!!

Lindz vs Cross. Cross is one of the toughest opponents I have ever had. Lindz is one tough cookie herself. I go with Cross here in the match of the card so far.

187 vs Lucy. 187 wins this one.

Hyde vs 8. Gotta go with Hydes pedigree here.

Beast vs Hida. Beast wins by rep. Put this match in MBE Hida wins. Put this match on a nuetral ground I don't know who wins but I'd love to see them burn the house down.

Andy vs Nemmy. Andy wins in a close match.

JA vs Duchess. The two prettiest wrestlers in A1E...HI TOM!!! JA wins.

Chip vs Necro. Chip is great. Necro is good. Great beats good.


Lindz said...
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Lindz said...

I'm retarded, let's try this again. :p

Dog vs. Red
Longevity, resume, angles...BD wins.

Troy vs. Cross
Jesus, Troy's getting pwned in the votes. I'm still voting for myself, though, so it won't be a total blowout in the end. >.<

187 vs. Lucifer
Well, Tom specifically said when he delegated the seeds that he was taking into account classic 187. And, that's still who I'm voting for.

Mr. Hyde vs. Eight
Hyde had the greater impact on the fed.

Beast vs. Hida
On A1E alone, it's Beast.

Andy vs. Nemesys
I'm going against the grain here and going with Nemmy.

JA vs. Duchess
JA's been in the fed longer. Done more, won more. He goes on.

Chip vs. Necromancer
Chip's done just a bit more.

Anonymous said...

Sorry if this is a double post. I tried to put this up before.

Big Dog v Irish Red

If we do this tournament in possibly three or four years from now I could see this being a really close match because Red has quite possibly the most potential I've seen in a long time, and could easily sneak into that World or Cyber division and take control. Until then, this one goes to Big Dog, again quite possibly the greatest World Champion in history.

Lindsay Troy v. Cross

When I first saw this match I think I started salivating because that's how good these two are when they work with each other. I've always loved their programs, and angles and they're both spectacular. This one is extremely close, and although their resumes are nearly identical, I would have to vote Cross just because he defeated a pretty hot Gladiator to win the belt, and lost in an ever so close match with Euclid who was just as hot. Cross doesn't get nearly enough respect for that title run he had.

Prisoner 187 v. Lucifer

This one isn't too tough for me. Even though I might not have been around as much for the Lucifer of old, I don't think it could compare to the 187 of old, or even the 187 that held the Survivor Title for a long time. I did enjoy some of Lucifer's stuff when he briefly came back to A1, but this one goes to 187.

Mr. Hyde v. Eight

Another one that isn't too close for me. Nothing against Eight, but Hyde was amazing with the belt, and another one of my all-time favorites, and favorites when I first entered A1E. Tough draw for the Collective misfit.

Beast v. Hida

Again, if this is an MBE tournament this goes to Hida, but Beast is one of the standout face's of A1E with numerous long title reigns. This one goes to the Canadian.

Andrew Gilkison v. Nemesys

If Andy doesn't come back to A1E--- based on what they did before this one would fairly easily go to Nemesys in my eyes. But Andy has been extremely stellar in his return, defeating an equally stellar Steven Shane for the Cyber strap and could easily capture the World title down the road. Andy gets the (Iron) duke.

Jericoholic Anonymous v. Duchess

It looks like all JA needed was some time off because since his return he's made one of the most historic runs that I've ever seen in A1E. Duchess did have an excellent feud with AJ culiminating in the HIAC, won the Cyber strap, and had a nice swerve with the Big Dog heel turn to the HPSC, but that isn't enough to match what JA has done.

Chip Friendly v. Necromancer

Although I really enjoy the Necromancer character because of his arrogance, I don't think Chip Friendly gets the respect he deserves. He is easily in the top 3 or 4 in terms of pure winning percentage based on record, and could easily be the World Champion, but has had some tough draws like his historic feud with Big Dog that saw him almost snag the belt. (I believe that was his last shot at the title if memory serves me correctly)

His stories, and angles are legendary, he could be one of if not the best storyteller in e-fedding history and even in the worst of moods his promos can make you laugh your ass off. Give this one to Chip.


Anonymous said...

Captain Suleimon Bracket

Big Dog (1) vs. IrishRed (9)

Easily the closet 1 v 8/9 match-up out there. And the over the past year I don't think it would be a stretch to say that Red has been the more impactful character of the two. Over the history of A1E though, Big Dog still takes this fairly cleanly

Lindsay Troy (4) vs. Cross (5)

Everyone keeps saying how close this match is before tossing thier vote for Cross becuase of his short World Title run. Well, I am going to say that IMO it is only close because of said World Title run. Cross can be one of the best when he is focused and on, but he doesn't nearly have the consitency or historical impact in A1E that Troy has and honestly should not be blowing her out in the vote. So she gets my vote her.

Prisoner 187 (2) vs. Lucifer (7)

If we are talking 187 v1.0, I can't vote. If we are talking the later days 187, I prefer not to vote ;).

Mr. Hyde (3) vs. Eight (11)

Both of these characters were really fun reads. But that doesn't change this match from being the biggest blowout in the 2nd round. Hyde wins easily.

Moron Bros. Bracket

Beast (1) vs. Hida Yakamo (9)

Hida is one of my favorite characters of all time. Beast takes this one fairly easily though due to the significant home field advantage.

Andrew Gilkison (4) vs. Nemesys (5)

Okay. Tightest match of the region so far. In a single match, I honestly think Nemmy might well take it (schedule permitting). If I were to vote on this before each of them made their latest runs in the past year, I would probably lean towards Nemmy as well. Full and up to date body of work has to give it to Andy though.

Jericoholic Anonymous (2) vs. Duchess (7)

No offense to Jean, but without his most recent run in the Main Event, I think JA probably takes this one fairly cleanly

Chip Friendly (3) vs. Necromancer (6)

No Vote.

TH said...

Dog/IrishRed - No offense to Shane, but Dog's a God-like A1E character whose resume only really trails Fly's.

Troy/Cross - Yes, Cross had the World Title run, but looking at the big picture, was his run in A1E that much more impactful than Troy's? This is no slight on Xandor, but he seemed to come along and compete (and he did a good job of it), but Troy did that AND she was an integral part in several angles and feuds. It's criminal that she never got a shot at the World Title, and I think she would have made a fine A1E Champion if given the shot.

187/Lucifer - Sweet Lucy doesn't come close to 187, even with Fordyce's horrible run at the end factored in.

Hyde/Eight - Hyde was dominant when he was on. Eight, while a creative character, never came close to his ceiling. Plus Hyde's my favorite A1E character of all-time.

Beast/Hida - If this were both feds, I'd be tempted to vote for Hida, but here, Beast clearly wins.

Andy/Nemesys - They both have fantastic A1E resumes, but in the end, it comes down to pure character enjoyment, and Nemesys is one of my all-time favorite A1E characters.

JA/Duchess - Not voting against myself anymore.

Chip/Necromancer - Necromancer shouldn't have advanced this far to begin with.