Monday, April 17, 2006

The 2006 Tournament of Champions OFFCIAL ANNOUNCEMENT

TEAM and Efed News Network proudly announce they will be jointly presenting the 2006 Tournament of Champions!

The Tournament of Champions will be a "one-night," RP-style tournament that will pit the Champions, major tournament winners and legends against each other in an attempt to see who the best of the best is. This tournament will produce dream matchups that would only have been seen on blogs in fantasy booking form or on message boards in discussion threads.

Registration/confirmation of invitations will begin Wednesday, April 19th. If you are eligible, you may confirm your eligibility and enter by one of several means:

(a) contacting me via AIM (HolzerhedRPCA)
(b) contacting me via e-mail (tom DOT holzerman AT gmail DOT com)
(c) posting in one of the many confirmation threads at A1 Wrestling's E-fed Smarts and Marks Forum,'s Fantasy Wrestling Forum, eWn's eWrestling Forum, PTC's General E-Wrestling Related Forum, ENN's The ENN Exchange Forum or any one of your fed's OOC forums around the spectrum of leagues.

The deadline for entry into the tournament will be Tuesday, May 2nd, at around 11:59:59 PM, give or take a second.

RPing for the Tournament is tenatively set to begin Monday, May 8th, although when it will end is still TBA.

Who is eligible

Anyone who holds a singles title, has won a major tournament or who is the last holder of that fed's major Championship (World or equivalent) before the current holder is eligible to enter. All feds housed on A1, FW, PTC and ENN are eligible. Any other feds are welcome to present their Champions to enter as long as they are deemed reputable.

Here is the current list of feds I have on my list. If you are not a member of any of these feds, contact me and let me know that you want to be a part of the proceedings.


As for the interfed tournaments that are considered major (once again, if you feel you've won a tournament and it's not listed here, let me know so I can look into the tournament's gravity):

MBE Cup, TEAM Invitational Tournament, Total J-Cup Tournament, GTT5, CW2

The special Legends Invitations shall be announced Wednesday, April 19th.

Also, another thing to remember is that April 19th is a DROP-DEAD DATE, in that if you are eligible on April 19th, you're eligible until the deadline for entry closes.

For example, El Gordo Grande is the LVW Las Vegas Champion, and if he's still the Las Vegas Champion on April 19th, he's automatically eligible to be in, no matter if he loses his title or not in the registration period. Now, what does that mean for the person who'd beat him? Say, Colt James is the one to topple him. He's now also eliglble until the deadline.


The RPing and result posting for the ToC will take place at ENN. If you don't have an account on the ENN boards, register today and I will make sure you have access to post for the tournament.


There will be three themed rounds of RPing, overlapping and staggered throughout a timeframe of two weeks, always with the chance of extension. The themes for each round will be revealed in the registration period.

RPing will not be in the standard Wrestler A vs. Wrestler B format; instead, everyone will RP against everyone.


All RP will be judged by a panel of at least five people. For each round, RP will be judged, ranked and scored, and the aggregate scores of all judges through all rounds of RPing will determine the placement of everyone in the tournament, first place through last.

The tournament results will then be written up in short format for all rounds except maybe the final round. Results will be determined by placement. IE, if there are 8 entrants, in the first round, the first place point getter will be written to defeat the eighth place, second over seventh, and so on.

Participant cap

Right now, the plan is to take a maximum of 16 wrestlers for the tournament, but if demand dictates otherwise, concessions may be made.

Also, one character per handler. No ifs, ands or buts on that one.

Any other questions, let me know.


Jamar said...

::rubs chin::

Josh Ray said...

Hey Tom, I can't participate but I felt it was my duty to inform you that as of 8:37PM Pacific Time on April 17th, 2006, the word "Official" on your entry's title is "OFFCIAL"-ly spelled wrong.


Me giving out spelling advice is like Martha Stewart giving Chuck Norris lessons in kicking ass.

TH said...

C'mon Jamar... you know you wanna represent the UWA ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey there man, do us a favor and give a tease or something about who/how many people have already signed up for this mess. By my count, you must have at least ten-to-twenty signups already, probably JUST from the PTC circle.


TH said...

Here lies the IN LIST~!

THat list will constantly be updated until the deadline.