Tuesday, October 30, 2007

October's Wrestler of the Month

Yes, there's still one day left in the month, but other than the TEAM results, which have no bearing on the winner or runner-up for this month, I don't foresee any other results going up. So without further ado...

October's WotM takes this award for an unprecdented third time in a year, and it's mainly for an event that happened in the CSWA. Hell is freezing over as we speak, now that Gold Rush is finished, and at the end we saw an AMAZING swerve with Gold Rush winner Troy Windham being challenged to a match... and defeated by this month's winner, Dan Ryan. He's the new UNIFIED Champion, adding that to the A1E World Championship he won last month. Congrats, Brunk, and let's hope there isn't another 18 months between CSDub cards ;)

This month's runner-up is Vivica J. Valentine. Valentine capped off her month in GCW with winning the Dangerous Games battle royale to claim the number one contendership to Lia Ambrosi's World Championship. Job well done!

Honorable mentions - Fusenshoff (TEAM Events), The Sergeant (EPW), Jason Snow (PRIME, PTC Events), Eron the Relentless (CSWA), Bruce Richards (NAPW), Mike Randalls (TEAM Events)

Previous Winners
January: Dan Ryan (A1E, NFW)
February: Clinton Sage (FUSE, PTC Events)
March: Nova (NFW, PRIME)
April: Dan Ryan (2) (A1E, NEW, TEAM Events)
May: Big Dog (A1E)
June: Lindsay Troy (PRIME, EPW, NFW, TEAM Events)
July: Nova (2) (PRIME, TEAM Events, NFW)
August: Lindsay Troy (2) (PRIME, EPW, TEAM Events)
September: The Illustrious Face-Eater (PTC Events, PRIME)

1 comment:

OneWingDove said...

Kin Hiroshi
Only person to retain championship at Gold Rush

Oh yeah, he sucks. ;)