No folks, I'm not dead. I'm really not. Just between work and everything else, I've kinda neglected the blog. I don't like doing that, but sometimes, that's how it goes I suppose. I am working on a review for WrestleSTOCK, night 2, and hopefully, I can get that done before NEW and EPW get their next PPVs posted. I do want to say though that both feds should be proud of how the joint card went down. Edmunds, Brunk, Steve, Strawsma and everyone who RPed, wrote matches or had anything to do with the card should be damn proud of it. I really feel it was a rousing success and something that will be remembered in the FW community for a long time.
I'd like to take this opportunity to say a few things, address the communities and such.
First thing's first, I want to make a few apologies. One, I'd like to apologize to Katz, ChrisNova, Jeff, McNic and really everyone in NFW. I've been slacking on the v. 3.0 stuff, and I know people have been counting on me to contribute. It's not for lack of desire to work on NFW stuff, it's just I've budgeted my time really poorly, and I haven't adapted to the new schedule and degrees of freedom Katz has been affording the handlers since the new format has started. Plus, I've totally welched on the WrestleBowl Night 2 review, and really, that's a huge injustice to everyone who contributed to it, especially the UT finalists.
I'd like to extend apologies to Matt Ward, Fergus and the crew at PRIME. I know I left you guys, especially Fergus, in a lurch when I left. It's funny that I always seem to pump up feds that have timely schedules, yet when it comes to competing in a fed that has the excellent combination of punctuality and quality, I came up far short of what I should have been producing as a roster member. I let people down, and I hate doing that. So I'd like to say I'm sorry for that. You guys are running a fine show, and I'm sure that will continue in the future, with or without me.
Finally, I'd like to apologize to all the feds out there that I seem to have given the short shrift on coverage, mainly feds like FUSE and A1E. Please don't think my lack of coverage for your events is an indicator of how your feds are doing.
And now, to part two of the post.
There has been a lot of bemoaning about the state of the hobby lately. I know I've been guilty of perpetuating that with the blog from time to time, but really, with all the doomsaying and such, I really like where eW is at right now. It may not be the "golden age" but if you only want something in its golden age, you're really not interested in that thing all that much anyway, are you? I really do feel like the people involved right now are really involved, and they're making this thing work with very high levels of quality. The feds that are around are producing great results, be they at the punctual rates of feds like A1E and PRIME, or feds going at their own rates, like EPW and NEW.
You can pretty much go to any active fed that's listed in my sidebar here and find good to great writing. In the end, isn't that all you need to ask of any fed you want to participate in or follow? People are interested, people are gung-ho for the projects they are in. There are folks who are dedicated to the feds they're in. There are folks who are spreading across borders and breaking down barriers, challenging themselves in circles where they're not familiar.
I mean, you have guys like ChrisNova who are generally on fire. Craig Maloof is blazing trails both in his PTC home and in FW. Lindz, what else needs to be said about her that hasn't been already? NFW, NEW and EPW are all hot right now. Josh Ray is back pushing the up-and-coming talent in his MWCW. MBE is gaining momentum. Jarret, Phil, Andy and everyone involved in A1E is putting out quality stuff. NAPW and REBEL are still churning out great shows on their indie schedules. Hell, even folks that I've been at odds with in the past, guys like Arrows and William Morgan, are trying out TEAM along with the standbys that I've been able to count on over the past 18 months.
Sure, the new blood is only trickling in, but I'd take what we have right now over floods of new people who come in and flake. We need to stop worrying about the new blood or where all the angle feds have gone or all the doomsaying and concentrate on the positive. We need to concentrate on taking the trickle of new blood and cultivating them into valuable members of our communities. We need to stay positive and keep writing what we're writing. Otherwise, we perpetuate self-fulfilling prophecies of doom, longing for the days of the fWo and CSWA being titans instead of making our own feds that are active now into the feds that we talk about in years future.
I really do think that eW is flourishing right now. I commend everyone who is making that possible, and I think that if we keep up the way we're going right now, this hobby will always be in good shape, no matter what happens with the sport we emulate in real life.
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"MBE is gaining momentum."
Can't agree with that. They needed to extend the promo deadline for their last show because no one was posting.
EPW and NEW extended their deadlines for their PPVs. Just because there's an extension doesn't mean that a league isn't gaining momentum.
That's just stoooopid.
You will get flayed, if you do what I think you're going to do.
"Just because there's an extension doesn't mean that a league isn't gaining momentum."
There's a difference between people asking for an extension due to IRL issues, compared with being forced to give one because no one is showing up.
"There's a difference between people asking for an extension due to IRL issues, compared with being forced to give one because no one is showing up."
If you look, the people in those leagues getting extensions due to IRL issues are almost the same people in MBE. Me included.
Love, Me
Actually, to clarify from EPWs end - only one person actually asked for a deadline extension.
The real impetus for me to extend it came from me remembering that Steve told me he'd be on vacation from the 6th to the 12th and the fact that I forgot that until around Thursday. When I got the request for the extension I was already pretty much planning to do it.
But, there was plenty of activity to go ahead with the show under normal circumstances. In general I don't do extensions just for people running out of time to RP unless I have a pretty good reason, and I prefer it BEFORE the RP session starts. Generally, I just job people.
- Dave
Well, frankly I get can get cards up in 24-48 hours turnaround, so I always have a few days buffer in case I need to put in an extension for any reason. Though I appreciate you thoughtful, reasoned and totally not anonymous critique of my product.
I'm actually not critiquing you at all in any way. I was only clarifying what happened with the EPW extension since we were brought up.
I'm perfectly happy with what you're doing in MBE actually. I have no complaints whatsoever. Creatively, it's better than most - and God knows I'll never be one to complain about timeliness or the occasional lag in handler activity. I just don't take that stuff all that seriously, which is why you never see me publically slamming anyone or anything.
- Dave
Sorry Dave, I thought it was obvikous that I was responding to the original commentor.
I thought it was obvious that it was probably a disgruntled apemen that got cut from The War of the Dildo production that Holzerman needs to review, or spend the next month watching Maggot get fisted by Beau Michaels.
My sarcasm detector must be busted.
- Dave
I'll see if I can fit him into Yori: The Animated Series. Coming soon (seriously)
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