Saturday, November 18, 2006

Ultimate MBE First Round: High Stakes Bracket

Same drill as for U-A1E... cast your vote in the comments section and give a reason why you're voting the way you are.

High Stakes Bracket

(1) The Spoiler vs. (16) Cthulhu

Spoiler's Credentials: 6-time MBE World Heavyweight Champion, former Unified and Tag Champion (with Andy Gilkison), first class MBE Hall of Famer

Cthulhu's Credentials: Leader of the Social Misfits

(8) Londonboy vs. (9) Tillrules

Londonboy's Credentials: Former Unified Champion, challenger to the World Championship

Tillrules' Credentials: Former MBE Commissioner, current PBP announcer, former Cruiserweight Champion (despite being well over weight limit), finalist in two North American Championship tournaments

(4)James Irish vs. (13) Star Rider

James' Credentials: Former MBE PBP announcer, former North American Champion

Star Rider's Credentials: Former Unified and Tag Team Champion

(5)FATSEXY vs. (12) Mr. Hyde

FATSEXY's Credentials: First ever North American Champion, one of the most over characters in early MBE, was turned on by Mr. Amazing!

Mr. Hyde's Credentials: Former Tag Team Champion

(2) Housefly vs. (15) The Behemoths

Housefly's Credentials: Former World and North American Champion

The Behemoths' Credentials: Former Tag Team Champions

(7) Promo vs. (10) LuvGun

Promo's Credentials: Last MBE World Champion of v. 1.0

LuvGun's Credentials: 2-time Unified Champion

(3) Andrew F'n Gilkison vs. (14) The Artist

Andy's Credentials: the heart and soul of MBE, 3-time Tag Champion, former North American, Television and Extreme Champion, challenger to the World Championship

(6) Freakshow vs. (11) "The Ego Buster" Dan Ryan

Freakshow's Credentials: 3-time former Tag Team Champion

Ryan's Credentials: MBE Cup Tournament winner


Anonymous said...

Based on promos, and promos only.

First three are all pretty easy decisions.

The Spoiler
James Irish

FATSEXY - More familiar with Fatsexy's stuff than Hyde's so have to pick him

Housefly - 2 on 1?

Andrew F'n Gilkison
Freakshow - Very easy decisions.

Jeffrey Paternostro said...

(1) The Spoiler vs. (16) Cthulhu


(8) Londonboy vs. (9) Tillrules

This isn't as easy as I thought. I think LB's best stuff was better, so we will go with him. You also forgot to list that he was an MBE Cup Finalist in his credentials.

(4)James Irish vs. (13) Star Rider

James takes this fairly easily, even if he would probably protest.

(5)FATSEXY vs. (12) Mr. Hyde

FATTY was wildly important. Hyde was pretty good actually, but he's not gonna beat Fatty.

(2) Housefly vs. (15) The Behemoths

Fly kind of slips through the cracks when talking about former MBE World Champs, but he was involved in a ton of stuff. He gets the duke

(7) Promo vs. (10) LuvGun

I always really liked LuvGun, this actually is kind of close, but I gotta go Promo.

(3) Andrew F'n Gilkison vs. (14) The Artist

Andy, obviously. But I always like the Artist

(6) Freakshow vs. (11) "The Ego Buster" Dan Ryan

Dan was pretty dominant in the Cup, but I think Freakshow takes it.

Anonymous said...

(1)The Spoiler
(4)James Irish
(3)Andrew F'n Gilkison
(11)"Ego Buster" Dan Ryan

Anonymous said...

Spoiler vs Cthulu

Spoiler plays with Ctuhulu like a cat with a rodent before finally putting him away at his leisure.

LB vs Til
LB showed me a lot in the MBE Cup. I'm a fan of Til but really I think he was more important behind the scenes. I give this to LB

James vs Star
James with the win in a much easier fashion then expected.

Fatty vs Mr. Hyde
I missed Fatty's glory run, but still his importance to MBE is golden. Fatty with the duke.

Fly vs Fat Guys
Fly wins this handicap match.

Promo vs LuvGun
Damn LuvGun was a blast (who wrote him?) But Promo is Promo and he gets the win.

Andy vs the Artist
Andy with the easy win.

Show vs Ryan
Two of my absolute favorite people in the world. In A1E Dan wins this. In MBE Show somehow finds the way to get the duke

Shane Irishred

Unknown said...

(1) The Spoiler vs. (16) Cthulhu

Spoiler in a cake walk.

(8) Londonboy vs. (9) Tillrules

When Till was on, he could put out great stuff, which is the same with LB as well. Hard to pick. Oh well. *coin flip* Tillrules gets my vote.

(4)James Irish vs. (13) Star Rider

MBE James wasn't wasn't as good as A1E James is now, according to James himself, and that may be true... but he is still better than Star Rider (no offense Bobby).

(5)FATSEXY vs. (12) Mr. Hyde

I would've loved to have seen this RP battle. Hyde is awesome,and Fatty at his best was fucking great. But in MBE, Fatty just played a much more important role. Fatty gets my vote here.

(2) Housefly vs. (15) The Behemoths

Jesus. Talk about a handicap match. Anyway, I can't vote for the Behemoths in good conscience here. Housefly wins.

(7) Promo vs. (10) LuvGun

Being a former A1E World Heavyweight Champion beats being a former Unified Champion. Simple as that.

(3) Andrew F'n Gilkison vs. (14) The Artist

Sadly enough, I really don't remember the Artist.

(6) Freakshow vs. (11) "The Ego Buster" Dan Ryan

Another coin toss here... Dan Ryan.

Demps said...

Spoiler - It's his tourny to lose - we all know this.

Londonboy - Always underrated. Definitely streaky, but as things went along more "on" than "off" I would say.

James vs. Star - James in a walk, offense intended to Bobby.

Fatty vs. Hyde - I liked Hyde, but Fatty for the reasons everyone mentioned so far (although I don't see him going deep to be honest).

Promo vs. LuvGun - I never really "got" LuvGun. I saw the potential but it never solidified for me. Promo wins based on his title history.

Gilky vs. Artist - Artist had potential but didn't stick around. Andy was more rough around the edges in MBE, but still strong. Andy wins.

Freakshow vs. Ryan - A good showing in the extremely flawed Cup doesn't outshine The Show despite a spotty attendance record by Mr. Boice.

Anonymous said...

(1) The Spoiler vs. (16) Cthulhu


(8) Londonboy vs. (9) Tillrules

I am going to vote for Till here, partly because he doesn't deserved to get squashed in the vote. And partly because I really enjoyed some of the angles he ran. LB was a better promo though.

(4)James Irish vs. (13) Star Rider

James wins this easily. And I am not even going to apologize to Bobby here. He knows that Star Rider was a joke until Prof took him under his wing and turned him into...a joke. ;)

(5)FATSEXY vs. (12) Mr. Hyde

Let's get this out of the way quickly. If they were to go one on one - peak vs peak - Hyde would walk away with this. But Hyde's peak didn't come until he got to A1E while EL GORDO EROTICO was one of the post important figures in early MBE. FATTY wins.

(2) Housefly vs. (15) The Behemoths

I didn't vore for myself in the first match and I am not going to vote against myself here.

(7) Promo vs. (10) LuvGun

Much like Till earlier, LuvGun deserves a better showing than he's had so far. So Chancewolf's best character gets a mercy vote here from be.

(3) Andrew F'n Gilkison vs. (14) The Artist

Andy was THE underdog face of MBE, I can't even cast a mercy vote against him. Although The Artist was one of the very best character concepts that I have seen.

(6) Freakshow vs. (11) "The Ego Buster" Dan Ryan

MBE Cup aside, Freakshow was one of the most interesting and truly risky (as opposed to faux risky) characters that I have seen. He was willing to put at all out their without fear that it might go over like a lead baloon (usually, it didn't), and I have goit to respect that

Anonymous said...

1. Spoiler def. Cthulhu because he blinked 183 years ago and saw the victory in the future.

2. Londonboy def. Tillrules. Nothing against Till, as I never saw him in action, so I've got to go with my stablemate in the Extreme Elite.

3. Star Rider def. James Irish. If this were based on current stuff, I'd have James as my pick here, but I never saw either man's MBE stuff, so I have to fall back on the title histories, and Star Rider takes it.

4. Fatsexy def. Mr. Hyde. Same reason as above.

5. Housefly def. The Behemoths. Same reason.

6. No vote on Promo vs. Luvgun.

7. Andrew Gilkison def. The Artist because Andy F'N Gilkie rocks.

8. Freakshow def. Dan Ryan. If this match takes place anywhere other than here, Dan Ryan is the pick, but Freakshow was a bigger "name" in MBE and contributed more to it's legacy.


TH said...

Spoiler, because he's Mr. MBE

Tillrules, because he was more integral to early MBE, and I enjoyed his work more

James because Star Rider's a dirty jobber :p

FATSEXY, because of the Frozen Muskrat!

Fly, because he's chronically underrated in MBE (maybe because his A1E run casts such a shadow?)

Promo, because his run at the end of MBE v. 1.0 and his run now in the beginning of 2.0 (when he shows, that is, and he's been showing a lot lately) is supersolid

Andy, because he's the heart and soul of MBE

Show, because while Ryan was dominant in the Cup, Show was integral in 2001/02, even if he was spotty with attendance