Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Viva Las Vegas

Much to my surprise, I saw forums for a new fed on FW Central, right above the CSWA. The fed is called Las Vegas Wrestling. On the surface, it seems like just another fed on a site that has an overglut of feds in the first place. Not only that, it's run by people who don't have the best reputations on FW.

However, I'm intrigued, and I applied. Here's why.

It's a niche fed, and it's a particularly interesting niche at that. The concept is that everything takes place in Las Vegas, and with it comes the seedy underpinnings of Sin City. It's an edgier fed. The goal is to push the envelope a little more than normal.

But then again, you might think that NFW or the fWo have pushed those same limitations in the last couple of years and they didn't have to have the trappings of limited surroundings to do it. That's a more than valid criticism. The folks heading LVW and the handlers involved are going to have to work to make sure that there's a difference. That the niche aimed for is gotten.

But if things go exactly as they've envisioned, well, this could be a really cool fed, and it could, along with NFW and EPW, be a part of a strong active three-fed core on FW and help anchor the site for years to come, even after NFW has completed its second (and possibly final) season.

(Waits for Katz to comment about how the season two will last until 2008)


Anonymous said...


Six shows in a year so far is not a "strong active" fed....

The only organization that can claim to be a "strong active" league is NFW... everyone else is stuck in the mud so far....


Anonymous said...

I've known Stanton for almost a decade and he is a stand up guy. When he is motivated, he gets things done and he could run one hell of a league. He is one of the most creative people I've ever met.

On the FW board this year, Stanton has had more activity in his projects with Big Brother and Survivor than any other league other than NFW.

However, with me finally getting better and Edmunds getting back on track from his hectic college schedule though, both WFW and NEW will be back and active again for the holidays.

Paul Miller

Anonymous said...

Comment on 2008? I don't want to even jinx it. ;)

TH said...

I've heard things about him from two people I've talked to about LVW.

Anonymous said...

Things after I haven't done a thing in 7 years? O... K.

That'd be quite a bit ridiculous to latch onto in burying me without saying word one to me.

OTOH, there was one person from P* I've seen on the FW site that hated me then and I wouldn't be surprised would still be a bitter fuck 7 years later.

TH said...

Paul, I wasn't burying you, I just relayed what I heard. I honestly am looking forward to LVW, and I don't really pass judgement on people until I have a chance to work with them.